What is the purpose of this site?

The Austrian Constitution is back on the public agenda. Often it will be discussed in the context of fundamental values that should be endorsed and followed by anyone living in Austria. Apart from that there is still little talk on what the constitution is and what it contains. Such discussions are mostly left to experts. This should change: The constitution is our common basis as people who live in the Republic of Austria. We are convinced, that we should start to talk about the constitution. And we want that anyone can join the debate. Our texts and materials shall support and enable such discussions.

We are

a group of academics and practitioners committed to civic education. We work at university, research institutions, public administration, schools, in media and public relations.


Further information

The texts on this site are linked with further sources and information. If you seek advice regarding particular legal problems you can use the free service provided by the courts (Gerichte), attorneys at law (Rechtsanwälte) and notaries (Notare). The Ombud for Equal Treatment (Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft) can help with questions regarding discrimination and equal treatment.

More on democracy and politics in Austria can be found on the websites of these institutions:

Logo Österreichisches Parlament
Logo Zentrum Polis
Logo Demokratiezentrum
Logo help.gv.at